How I Know When We’re Going to Work Together

Marketing is a vehicle for growth and sustainability. If you want more clients, more revenue, more profit, more satisfaction from your business you need to be marketing it effectively. If you’re happy with where you’re at and just want to ensure a sustained pipeline of new customers and to keep your existing ones loyal, you will also need to invest in marketing.
So marketing takes you from where you are now to where you want to be (or helps you stay where you are now if you’re happy with that, to stop you slipping behind).
Therefore marketing activity needs to fully support your business goals. If you don’t have a clear vision and mission for your business, then how do you know what marketing activity to undertake in the first place, and whether it is effective in helping you to meet your targets?
You will no doubt be familiar with the concept of KPIs and SMART targets – but how many of you actually have set these for your business, and how often do you review them? It is all very well having a to-do list and schedule of activity for the next month ahead, but where do you want to be with your business in 6 months time, a year, five years, ten years?
In our fast-moving world it’s difficult to predict exactly how things are going to be further down the line, and we need to be responsive to the ongoing changes in the world around us, but if you don’t have a long-term aim for your business, it’s hard to do know what tactical marketing activity to be investing in for the short-term.
Too often I meet with business owners who want to ‘raise their profile’, ‘get more leads’, ‘win more business’. These goals are all too vague and can’t be measured in a meaningful way. Unless I can help them get more specific, or they come back to me after thinking this through, it’s unlikely they will see the value of investing in marketing to help them achieve some half-baked pipe-dream.
If someone tells me they want to win 5 new clients by Christmas, or increase their revenues by 10% in the next 12 months, and can show me historical data which demonstrates that this can be realistically achieved, then I know we’re probably going to work together. They can see the prize they’re working towards, and we can map out a plan for how to get there.
What is the vision and growth plan for your business? If you would like to talk to me about how I can help you realise it please email get in touch via